lauantai 1. tammikuuta 2011


YAY ! It's a new year. 2011 we're gonna rock you're world. So i celebrated my new years eve with some friends at mias's place. We had a blast. It was fun to get to go out before i leave to Thailand today. We messed around on each others facebook accounts and things like that went down. At midnight we went out to shoot some butterflyes and take pictures of rockets, i didn't get any good pictures though. When we we're done with the rockets we ended up jumping in a huge snowdrift in jeans and all normal clothing. Guess if we were freezing after that.. Very smart.
 And now i really got to back. I'll not gonna blog in 2 weeks :/ so sad :o

Wish me a fun tripp :L bye.

love u - xoxo